"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken...."

I've heard the trials of life referred to as so many things....Some have called them "interruptions," some "detours, " some "speed bumps" and some have metaphorically even referred to life's hurdles as "contractions." I've had enough of them to know that no matter what you affectionately call them, they are all just plain HARD! I'm an accountant by trade so it's tough for me not to think of life in terms of numbers and charts and ledgers. This is why when I look at where I am in life now and all of its "detours", I can sometimes get a little puzzled. I thought I'd have reached this dream by 25 and that dream by 30. If I hadn't made this decision or that decision back then would I not be there by now? Didn't I take steps to accomplish Goal X and Goal Y; why hasn't it manifested yet? The great pendulum my mind has become is a bit overwhelming at times, looking at where I am and comparing it to ...