Trust Fall

Have you ever played that game as a child? You know, the one where you stand in front of a person with your back to them and fall backward into their arms with the hopes that they will catch you? I think even as an adult I’ve seen organizations use this as a tool for team-building exercises. The little girl in my life has recently discovered this game at summer camp. She delights in jumping in front of me and screaming, “Trust fall,” and then recklessly leaning backwards, because she unwaveringly trusts that my two arms will be there to catch her. The thing is….she likes to randomly decide when we will play this game, whether I’m ready to play or not. I could be in the middle of cooking, in the heart of a phone conversation, carrying groceries out of the car, putting away laundry, and with absolutely no warning, she will run into the room, scream, “Trust fall,” and I anxiously drop whatever I am holding to catch this precious baby before she hits the ground. Sometimes, I...