Try, Try Again

In my daughter's elementary class, the students are required to submit a job application each month for various classroom responsibilities. There's the classroom manager (line leader), Payroll (the one who passes out the pretend money each week for jobs well done), Banker (who breaks your big bills into smaller ones), Distributor (who passes out papers) and so on. The students later get the opportunity to take the "money" they have earned and exchange it for prizes. I thought the whole concept was cute at first, teaching the kids responsibility, asking them to get letters of recommendation, reminding them of the value of a dollar, etc. As an accountant, I was on board with this whole little economics lesson.....until today.... Today was the day that my little bundle of joy applied for the Classroom Manager position for the 4th time. THREE TIMES she has turned in her application, carefully listing the traits that make her the best pick for the position. 3 times...