Putting Your Heart Under the Microscope

My mind often goes back to the Biblical story of the Israelites. I think it's because at any given moment, you may find me actively standing in one of their pairs of shoes. I might be in the shoe where I am captive, the labor is hard and I'm just hoping and praying that the Lord will see the sweat of my brow and soon rescue me. I might be in the shoe where God is delivering me, avenging on my behalf and I can clearly see His hand of favor and protection moving in my life. I might be in the shoe where I have made it to the Promised Land and I'm praising with timbrel and dance when I look back and see how the Lord has brought me over...... Or I might be in the shoe where I'm between captivity and the Promised Land and because I can't see the victory ahead and because the distance seems long or even "impossible" (as if anything is too hard for God), I allow myself to look back at my captivity and romanticize it. Have you ever been there? Where...