Valentine's Day 2015- Party of One-derful!!!

Awwww, Valentine’s Day. The day that most folks are out spending time with their honey bunny and eating overpriced chocolate hearts and just really making it hard on a single gal. Everywhere I turned this weekend, there were folks holding hands and sharing PDA’s. Even the nail salon was full of couples! I called myself taking my mind off of the romance drought by treating myself to a pedicure but nope! Even there, people were getting COUPLE’S pedicures as the nail tech drew hearts of lotion on everyone’s legs at the conclusion of their appointment. Gag me, please!!!! This would not have even mattered not so long ago. I counted and realized that I have ALWAYS had a valentine. And by always, I mean from high school til 2013. Count that with me…..I’ll wait….that’s right—that’s 15 years of consecutive roses and cards and candy and jewelry and emails and love notes and teddy bears. Not a bad run, if I say so myself. Not a bad run until now, that is! This is year two of the...