The LONG Way Home (Following Directions)
Missed Exits
Since I started my blog, I have intentionally tried not to
make my posts too spiritual. Most of the
time, I’ve just wanted to be encouraging to anyone in the season of singlehood
like me and remind her that she’s not alone and also maybe offer some ideas for
some super great “me-dates.”

Now, back to this road trip home. While on the road from the
Peach State, I was on the phone with one of these candidates, knowing that he
wasn’t “the one” and knowing that I had no business even calling him. We were over
an hour into a conversation that wasn’t even really going anywhere when I
realized that I had not passed Six Flags.
“Something’s wrong,” I told him. I’ve been on the road for
over an hour and nothing looks familiar.”
“What do you see?” he asked. I could hear him worrying but
trying to stay calm.
“The next sign says, ‘Greenville,’” I replied.
screamed! And by now I am in panic mode. Here’s why, folks. At this point, my
daughter is calling my phone repeatedly because things are getting heated
between her baby-sitter and her sitter’s boyfriend and she feels unsafe; my
cell phone is about to die and my car charger won’t work and I’m low on gas
because I only budgeted enough to get me from Alabama to Georgia and back. Not
Georgia to South Carolina to Georgia to Alabama. To make matters worse, I’d
promised her I would be there before night fall and according to all sources,
it would now be 11 pm before I could see her face. I’m scared, she’s scared,
I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m distraught, and I’m lost. (Key word there is
LOST---you’ll get it in a minute…)
So….what should have taken me 3 hours is now taking me 5 ½
hours…..Does that not sound like a certain Biblical story we all know so well?
Should it not have taken the Israelites mere days to get to their Promised Land,
instead of 40 years? During that silent ride home, that long drive with no way
to reach out to anyone BUT God, I had a lot of time to talk to the Lord, wail
out and listen and He brought me to remembrance of the Israelites. I was
humbled as he chastened me with the knowledge that, had I simply not been
distracted (honey-mooning on the phone, having going-nowhere conversations with
this no-good-intentions fella), had I just been focused, I would not have been
deterred in my journey.
And that’s when the light bulb REALLY went off. How often
had I let things (men, heartbreak, alcohol, my insecurities, work, but mostly
MEN) distract me, make me lose my focus, and pull me COMPLETELY off track from
where I knew my life was supposed to go??? Had I not been distracted so many
times, allowed myself to yoke with people I knew I shouldn’t have so many times
in the past, who knows how much closer I would be right now.
If I
can be totally transparent and look at just this incident alone, just this
particular gentleman, the actual “missed exit” on that road trip was
metaphorical for this courtship as well. It had been over a month since the
Lord told me this guy was not my future husband. Even our friendship was not bearing
fruit. Had I listened I could have saved myself so much: tangible things like
that gas money, those extra miles on my car, the extra wear and tear on my
tires. But what about the intangible things like: more hours of sleep, the emotional scars I
took from the verbally abusive courtship, the chance to keep my promise to my
child or pull her sooner out of what she felt was an unsafe environment.
folks, I missed my “sign” on that road trip, missed the markers that told me,
“This way to Birmingham,” just like at times we get distracted and miss the
“signs” on our life’s journey. That small voice we hear in the back of our
heads saying, don’t take that job, don’t date that guy, don’t go to that
function or venue, turn the tv off and spend some time with God.
I am
not writing this to get all preachy but instead to point out an area where I’m working
to transform and renew: FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS
(literally AND figuratively lol) and STAYING FOCUSED. Now that I know better, I’m
starting to do better, intentionally growing
while I’m going.
What are you going to do about the “missed
exits” in your life? You could keep going in the direction you’re headed and
tell yourself it’s too late to turn around, to start all over, to try again. You
could tell yourself that it’s too late to back track and be more attentive to the
course you’re on. Or you could pick up right here, turn around, take the
lessons you’ve learned and get back on track to wherever your destination is:
home ownership, finishing school, removing yourself from some relationships you
stayed in too long just because it’s comfortable, starting your dream business,
becoming a parent, becoming a spouse, quitting a dangerous addiction. It’s
NEVER too late to turn around and try again. Missed exits don’t mean you’ll
never reach your dream or destination; missed exits simply give you an
opportunity to take life’s scenic route to gain more perspective how to be
better along the way!
Peace and blessings!
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